Podiatrist Hoppers Crossing

Podiatry is a branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. Within the field of podiatry, practitioners can focus on many different specialty areas, including surgery, sports medicine, biomechanics, geriatrics, paediatrics, orthopaedics, or primary care. Podiatrists diagnose and treat abnormalities of the lower limb. They give professional advice on the prevention of foot problems and on proper care of the foot. Patients will be of all ages from infants to the elderly. Prevention is another area of their specialty.

There are many different health issues that a podiatrist attends to. They aim to correct any issues such as deformities if possible and prevent certain conditions from worsening or occurring as well as attempt to aid individuals in maintaining as normal an amount of functioning and mobility as possible. Podiatry at Pall & Co, have been caring for their patients for over 20 years with specialist foot and lower limb care. Their mission is to provide you with the best podiatric care utilising the latest techniques, research and technology.

All podiatrists are qualified to provide all facets of podiatric care from general podiatry, diabetic foot care, sports, children and all biomechanical conditions.

The Podiatry Clinic is open Monday to Saturday and late night appointments are available, we endeavor to see all new patients within 24 hours. . We accept Medicare referrals and we do bulk bill, so that you have no additional fee. We provide instant rebates (through HICAPS), on the spot for the patients with Private Health Insurance. Medicare rebates are also available for your patients who have a chronic illness (such as Diabetes). Please feel free to refer any EPC’s (Enhanced Primary Care). Please note: as we bulk bill, there is no gap for Medicare claims. Gold Card/ White Card holders (DVA) are welcome to the practice. If you feel that we like to discuss these services further, please feel free to contact the Clinic.

Dr Amandeep Pall